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Deploy Besu using Kubernetes

Use the reference implementations to install private networks using Kubernetes (K8s). Reference implementations are available using:

Familiarize yourself with the reference implementations and customize them for your requirements.


Quorum-Kubernetes is a repository containing Kubernetes manifests and Helm charts that you can customize and deploy on a local cluster or in the cloud.


We recommend starting with the playground directory and working through the example setups before moving to the Helm charts directory.

The helm directory contains charts for the various components, and each chart has a cluster map with features that you can toggle.

provider: local # choose from: local | aws | azure
cloudNativeServices: false # set to true to use Cloud Native Services (SecretsManager and IAM for AWS; KeyVault & Managed Identities for Azure)

Setting cluster.cloudNativeServices: true stores keys in AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault instead of Kubernetes Secrets, and will also make use of AWS IAM or Azure Managed Identities for the pods.

Cloud support

The repository's helm charts support on-premise and cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM etc. You can configure the provider in the values.yml file of the respective charts by setting cluster.provider to local, aws, or azure. If you use GCP, IBM etc., please set cluster.provider: local and cluster.cloudNativeServices: false.

The repository also contains Azure ARM templates and AWS eksctl templates to deploy the required base infrastructure.


When using multi-clusters, Kubernetes load balancers disallow TCP and UDP traffic on the same port, which inhibits discovery working natively for each pod. Use the following solutions to mitigate this limitation:

  • Disallow discovery and use static nodes to allow only TCP traffic. This isn't an issue for load balancers or exposing nodes publicly.
  • If you need to use discovery, use something such as CNI which is supported by all major cloud providers, and the cloud templates already have CNI implemented.


With the traditional kubenet networking mode, nodes get an IP from the virtual network subnet. Each node in turn uses NAT to configure the pods so that they reach other pods on the virtual network. This limits where they can reach but also more specifically what can reach them. For example, an external VM which must have custom routes does not scale well.


CNI, on the other hand, allows every pod to get a unique IP directly from the virtual subnet which removes this restriction. Therefore, it has a limit on the maximum number of pods that can be spun up, so you must plan ahead to avoid IP exhaustion.



You must enable CNI to use multi-cluster, or to connect external nodes to an existing Kubernetes cluster. To connect multiple clusters, they must each have different CIDR blocks to ensure no conflicts, and the first step is to peer the VPCs or VNets together and update the route tables. From that point on you can use static nodes and pods to communicate across the cluster.

The same setup also works to connect external nodes and business applications from other infrastructure, either in the cloud or on premise.




In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. Both namespaces and resources (for example, Stateful Sets or Services) within a namespace must be unique, but resources across namespaces don't need to be.


Namespace-based scoping is not applicable for cluster-wide objects (for example, Storage Class or Persistent Volumes).


Consider using Stateful Sets instead of Deployments for Besu. The term 'client node' refers to bootnode, validator and member/RPC nodes. For Besu nodes, we only use CLI arguments to keep things consistent.

Role-based access controls

We encourage using role-based access controls (RBACs) for access to the private key of each node, that is, only a specific pod or statefulset is allowed to access a specific secret.

If you need to specify a Kube configuration file for each pod, use the KUBE_CONFIG_PATH variable.


We use separate data volumes to store the blockchain data. This is similar to using separate volumes to store data when using docker containers natively or docker-compose. This is done for a few reasons:

  • Containers are mortal and we do not want to store data on them.
  • Kubernetes host nodes can fail and we want the chain data to persist.

Ensure that you provide enough data storage capacity for all nodes on the cluster. Select the appropriate type of Storage Class based on your cloud provider. In the templates, the size of the volume claims is set to 20Gb by default; you can change this depending on your needs. If you have a different storage account than the one in the charts, you may edit those Storage Classes.

When using Persistent Volume Claims, set the allowVolumeExpansion to true. This helps keep costs low and enables growing the volume over time rather than creating new volumes and copying data across.


We recommend deploying metrics to get an overview of the network, nodes, and volumes. You can also create alerts.

Besu publishes metrics to Prometheus, and you can configure metrics using the kubernetes scraper configuration. We also have custom Grafana dashboards to monitor the blockchain.


Refer to values/monitoring.yml to configure the alerts per your requirements (for example slack or email).

cd helm
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 34.10.0 --namespace=besu --create-namespace --values ./values/monitoring.yml --wait
kubectl --namespace besu apply -f ./values/monitoring/

You can configure Besu to suit your environment. For example, use the Elastic charts to log to a file that you can parse using Logstash into an ELK cluster.

cd helm
helm repo add elastic
helm repo update
# if on cloud
helm install elasticsearch --version 7.17.1 elastic/elasticsearch --namespace besu --create-namespace --values ./values/elasticsearch.yml
# if local - set the replicas to 1
helm install elasticsearch --version 7.17.1 elastic/elasticsearch --namespace besu --create-namespace --values ./values/elasticsearch.yml --set replicas=1 --set minimumMasterNodes: 1
helm install kibana --version 7.17.1 elastic/kibana --namespace besu --values ./values/kibana.yml
helm install filebeat --version 7.17.1 elastic/filebeat --namespace besu --values ./values/filebeat.yml

Ingress Controllers

If you require the ingress controllers for the RPC calls or the monitoring dashboards, we have provided example rules that are pre-configured for common use cases. Use these as a reference and develop solutions to match your network topology and requirements.