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Connect to Mainnet


As a Proof of Stake network, running a full Ethereum node requires both an execution client and a consensus client.

Run Besu as an execution client with any consensus client on Ethereum Mainnet.

If you're using Teku as a consensus client, you can follow the Besu and Teku Mainnet tutorial.



1. Generate the shared secret

Run the following command:

openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > jwtsecret.hex

You will specify jwtsecret.hex when starting Besu and the consensus client. This is a shared JWT secret the clients use to authenticate each other when using the Engine API.

2. Generate validator keys

If you're running the consensus client as a beacon node only, skip to the next step.

If you're also running the consensus client as a validator client, have a funded Ethereum address ready (32 ETH and gas fees for each validator).

Generate validator keys for one or more validators using the Staking Launchpad.


Save the password you use to generate each key pair in a .txt file. You should also have a .json file for each validator key pair.

3. Start Besu

Run the following command or specify the options in a configuration file:

besu \
--rpc-http-enabled=true \
--rpc-http-host= \
--rpc-ws-enabled=true \
--rpc-ws-host= \
--host-allowlist=<IP of Besu node>,,localhost \
--engine-host-allowlist=<IP of Besu node>,,localhost \
--engine-rpc-enabled \
--engine-jwt-secret=<path to jwtsecret.hex>


Also, in the command:

You can modify the option values and add other command line options as needed.

4. Start the consensus client

Refer to your consensus client documentation to configure and start the consensus client.


If you're running a validator client, make sure you set a fee recipient address.

If you're using Teku, follow the Besu and Teku Mainnet tutorial.

5. Wait for the clients to sync

After starting Besu and the consensus client, your node starts syncing and connecting to peers.

{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:43:49,555","level":"INFO","thread":"main","class":"DefaultSynchronizer","message":"Starting synchronizer.","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:43:49,556","level":"INFO","thread":"main","class":"SnapSyncDownloader","message":"Starting sync","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:43:49,559","level":"INFO","thread":"main","class":"Runner","message":"Ethereum main loop is up.","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:43:53,106","level":"INFO","thread":"Timer-0","class":"DNSResolver","message":"Resolved 2409 nodes","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:45:04,803","level":"INFO","thread":"nioEventLoopGroup-3-10","class":"SnapWorldStateDownloader","message":"Downloading world state from peers for pivot block 16545859 (0x616ae3c4cf85f95a9bce2814a7282d75dc2eac36
cb9f0fcc6f16386df70da3c5). State root 0xa7114541f42c62a72c8b6bb9901c2ccf4b424cd7f76570a67b82a183b02f25dc pending requests 0","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:46:04,834","level":"INFO","thread":"EthScheduler-Services-3 (batchPersistAccountData)","class":"SnapsyncMetricsManager","message":"Worldstate download progress: 0.08%, Peer count: 8","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:48:01,840","level":"INFO","thread":"EthScheduler-Services-3 (batchPersistAccountData)","class":"SnapsyncMetricsManager","message":"Worldstate download progress: 0.23%, Peer count: 8","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:49:09,931","level":"INFO","thread":"EthScheduler-Services-3 (batchPersistAccountData)","class":"SnapsyncMetricsManager","message":"Worldstate download progress: 0.41%, Peer count: 11","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:50:12,466","level":"INFO","thread":"EthScheduler-Services-3 (batchPersistAccountData)","class":"SnapsyncMetricsManager","message":"Worldstate download progress: 0.61%, Peer count: 10","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:51:20,977","level":"INFO","thread":"EthScheduler-Services-3 (batchPersistAccountData)","class":"SnapsyncMetricsManager","message":"Worldstate download progress: 0.75%, Peer count: 10","throwable":""}
{"@timestamp":"2023-02-03T04:51:28,985","level":"INFO","thread":"EthScheduler-Services-29 (importBlock)","class":"ImportBlocksStep","message":"Block import progress: 180400 of 16545859 (1%)","throwable":""}

If you're running the consensus client as a beacon node only, you're all set. If you're also running the consensus client as a validator client, ensure your clients are fully synced before submitting your staking deposit in the next step. Syncing Besu can take several days.

6. Stake ETH

Stake your ETH for one or more validators using the Staking Launchpad.

You can check your validator status by searching your Ethereum address on the Beacon Chain explorer. It may take up to multiple days for your validator to be activated and start proposing blocks.