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Access the Besu API

Access the Besu API using:


HTTP and WebSocket responses are compact JSON by default. You can use --json-pretty-print-enabled to pretty-print the output.

The following sections provide information about JSON-RPC, RPC Pub/Sub, and GraphQL.

Enable API access

To enable API access, use the --rpc-http-enabled, --ws-http-enabled, --graphql-http-enabled, and --Xrpc-ipc-enabled options.


--Xrpc-ipc-enabled is an early access option.

Service hosts

To specify the host the API service listens on, use the --rpc-http-host, --rpc-ws-host, and --graphql-http-host options. The default host is

To allow remote connections, set the host to


Setting the host to exposes the API service connection on your node to any remote connection. In a production environment, ensure you use a firewall to avoid exposing your node to the internet.

Service ports

To specify the port the API service listens on, use the --rpc-http-port, --rpc-ws-port, and --graphql-http-port options.

The default ports are:

  • 8545 for JSON-RPC over HTTP.
  • 8546 for JSON-RPC over WebSocket.
  • 8547 for GraphQL over HTTP.

Ports must be exposed appropriately.

Socket path

To specify the socket path for the IPC socket, use the --Xrpc-ipc-path option. The default path is besu.ipc in the Besu data directory.


--Xrpc-ipc-path is an early access option.

Host allowlist

To prevent DNS rebinding attacks, Besu checks incoming HTTP request host headers, WebSocket connections, and GraphQL requests. Besu accepts requests only when hostnames specified using the --host-allowlist option matches the request host headers. By default, Besu accepts requests and connections from localhost and


This isn't a permissioning feature. To restrict access to the API, we recommend using the Besu authentication mechanism with username and password authentication or JWT public key authentication.

If your application publishes RPC ports, specify the hostnames when starting Besu.


Specify * for --host-allowlist to effectively disable host protection.


Specifying * for --host-allowlist is not recommended for production code.

Not supported by Besu

Account management

Account management relies on private key management in the client, which is not supported by Besu.

To send signed transactions, use eth_sendRawTransaction. eth_sendTransaction is not implemented.

For account management, use third-party wallets.


Besu does not support the Whisper and Swarm protocols.